Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Pearl of Great Price

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls, who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it.” - Matthew 13:45-46 (NKJV)

After Wednesday night, I didn't feel valuable. I didn't feel beautiful. I felt rejected, tossed aside, and unimportant. I struggled with tears and a heaviness that was hovering over me. On Saturday, I visited with a friend. As she asked me questions, I opened up and the tears began to fall. I expressed my disappointment and feelings of worthlessness. She let me know that when she had prayed for me the day before, God put in heart an overwhelming love for me and she received the word pearl. She said, she was not sure of the meaning of that.

My heart was comforted, and I was reminded of about 5 years ago, when I read a book by Dannah Gresh. While reading her book, I received the revelation that to Jesus, I was the pearl of great price. My value was so extraordinary that a Man would give, and did give all He had to have me. After several failed relationships with men who valued television, golf, video games, and their careers above me this was something that was difficult to wrap my mind around, and is even to this day.

When I noticed that the heaviness like a cloud, was still not clearing I decided to fast, and seek the Lord. I felt a slight victory over my emotions on Monday as I dug in God's Word and worshiped Him for all He has done and redeemed in my life. But I still needed something more. I continued on Tuesday to seek Him and worship.

At church, a woman I have only met a few times, asked to pray for me. As she prayed, God used her words to confirm several things about my past, present and future. She reminded me that I was set-apart for God. (Sometimes being set-apart can feel lonely.) She prayed things that only God knew. Then she said, "You are a pearl of great price." Tears of sadness and gladness went down my face. Once again God was reminding me of my value and worth, and it felt so good.

Man does not determine our value or worth. Outward appearances, giftings, talents, marketability, popularity, intelligence, humor are not a measure of our value. Those standards do not count. It is God's standard, His measure, that determines our value. We are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God. We are the pearl of great price! Jesus gave all He had including His life for me and for you. And He believes we were and are worth it!

...Thank You Lord, for that reminder and VALUABLE lesson!

Friday, May 21, 2010

My New Purse

Many people think that God is only concerned with the huge things in the world, like world peace. But is your best friend only in your life to change the world? Does your husband only want to hear about the giant things? Or do the people in your life care about the little things your thinking of? Like, how you don't like mustard on your sandwich? (well I don't) Are they okay with you asking them, what should I wear today? Or does this make me look fat?

Jokes aside, God is supposed to be our first love, our best friend, our Father, and our spouse. He cares about every little detail of our lives.

So with that said.

I was shopping at the local Marshall's for a new purse. See I had received my third Treo telephone and because my purse was so jam packed when I got out of the car, it fell from my purse onto the concrete and the screen was just white. Man! Not again! So I decided I definitely needed a bigger purse. I don't know why I am so shocked that I have expensive taste, but all the purses I really liked were around $115. CRAZY! That is way to much. Not too much for God but too much for the budget He has spoken to me about.

So I picked out/tried on about 10 purses between $20-$40. (Girls try on purses, that is still funny to me.) (But I love grocery shopping, because whatever I buy always fits.) Those prices seemed reasonable. So the Lord speaks to me a little bit gansta style. I asked Him, which purse should I get? He replied, "baby, you can get whatever you want." Now that is the kinda earthly husband I want! But let's be clear, I knew He was not saying the $115 purses but the ones I had tried on.

So I picked out a black one that had ruffles all over it with white edges on the ruffles, and white lining. It was sooo me! But maybe not the best one for every day. As I made my way toward the register, the Lord said "you can get this one but I think you should go check out Stein Mart because you may like what you see there better."

Okay Lord, I'm down for that. So I head over to Stein Mart. And wow, the perfect every day purse for 1/2 the price. So I found a new shirt, a purse, and a wallet for just a bit more that the purse I got from Marshall's. Of course, my preference would be to keep both purses but my heart was thankful for what I got.

Lord, You are so good to me! Thank You!

So next time you're shopping for purses, don't forget to include Him. He desires to be a part of every aspect of your life!


The Toothbrush Story

Ok so a few weeks ago, I had an awesome experience. It reminded me of how sweet God is.

As I was getting ready for a busy Saturday, and I brushed my teeth, I heard a still small voice inside that said, "put your toothbrush in your purse." I rationalized in my mind, I don't need to do that because I will be coming home late, and will brush my teeth again before bed. I heard it again, "put your toothbrush in your purse." Well, my purse is small and is already overflowing, I thought. I will put it in my overnight bag in the car, just in case I need it.

This time I heard it louder than before ,"put your toothbrush in your purse."

Okay fine, if this is God speaking to me then I will find out why I need my toothbrush, and if it is not, than the worst thing is that I have been carrying it around all day with me.

So I attend Redeeming the Time for a few hours, then got directions to a baby shower. Upon my arrival I got to sit with some awesome ladies. We ate, and played some games. For the last game we turned to a pink page that said "What's in mommy's purse?" For each item that you had in your purse you earned a certain # of points. And guess what was on the list? Yes, TOOTHBRUSH. For 5 points and I was one of the winners (who would not have won without the toothbrush.)

I won a beautiful candle that smells like Carrot Cake.

God is so sweet. Yes He cares about the starving, the homeless, the desperate. But He also cares about YOU...and the little things that make your day that much more special.

Thank You Jesus! You are an awesome Husband!